
Cross-Border Tax Issues
Globe showing North America

Are LLCs Suitable for Canadians? (Cross-Border Tax Issues)

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a popular type of entity with U.S. investors. It is distinct from other entity types such as corporations, partnerships, and limited liability partnerships.
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Globe showing North America

Tax Treaties (Cross-Border Tax Issues)

Do you engage in international business or investing activities? If so, it is highly recommended that your tax planning take into consideration tax treaties.
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Globe showing North America

Canadian Residents with U.S. IRAs (Cross-Border Tax Issues)

A number of tax traps lie in wait for Canadians returning to Canada, and U.S. citizens moving to Canada, who hold a U.S. Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Diligent tax planning requires awareness of these traps before making a move to (or move back to) Canada.
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